
AI imagination is limitless. Try it!

This Platform is Under Construction...

Enter the name of the main character here (it can be one or two people)

What’s the story about? Be creative. The more details you add the better?.

Who else should be part of this story, and what is their role?

How does booklyme works?

Our platform uses artificial intelligence to create your book’s stories, images and design. You can download a high or low resolution PDF for printing or a version which is optimized for mobile, tablets or desktop PC.

Simply enter a few texts, in the required fields, upload some images (if you wish :)) and let our AI do the job.

Frequently asked questions

Is this platform free?

Yes, it is free to use while we are in beta testing mode.

Do I need to create an account ?

Yes. In order to use our platform an account must be created with a valid email address.

Whteststststs ?

test  lettest  ooas  tasta atat 

Do you store my data ?

Partially yes, we will store the information given upon the account creation, and to improve your experience, the stories you create will be stored on our servers. But none of the images you upload on the platform will NOT be kept by any means. We use the pictures to create the avatars for your story and delete them from our servers immediately.